Our Product

AIUID's trading algorithm makes data-driven decisions on whether to charge, discharge or release the battery for alternative use. Analyzing more than 200 million potential outcomes prior to the start of each 5-minute trading period, AIUID’s trading algorithm determines recommended trades considering likely price movements, customer transactional costs per trade and trading stance adopted.

Product Dashboard

See the cutting-edge AIUID trading algorithm in action. The dashboard gives you real-time insights and analytics at a glance.

Product Dashboard

Features & Benefits

Adaptive to Market Conditions

Our trading algorithm adapts to changing market conditions, ensuring optimal performance in various scenarios.

Data-Driven Decisions

Leveraging advanced data analysis and machine learning techniques, our algorithm makes data-driven decisions on trading activities.

Seamless Integration

Effortlessly integrate our trading algorithm into your existing systems with our containerized solution deployed in the cloud.

Flexible Pricing Models

Choose from fixed price subscription, low-risk revenue share plans, or work with our team to develop a customized pricing solution.